Jul 2Liked by Claudia von Ayres

I understand the desire to "do politics without politics" but I don't like the expression, it makes me think of children accusing their parents of bad-speaking about Stalin or Hitler. What I suspect you are after is a new way of living, something that goes way beyond politics, though it can have political repercussions. Politics is a fairly recent way of doing things historically, in the past vast movements swept through humanity such as, say, the crusades, the Reformation, Romanticism, which didn't have parties pushing them -- there were no parties. Woke is, admittedly, one such movement. It is something of an enigma. It has no people behind it, no role models, no heroes and even no positive desires! It has managed to gain the high moral ground simply by making life difficult for other people and at no cost to its proponents. This is strange, very strange. A cultural movement usually has someone with a definite set of beliefs, a moral compass and, most important, someone who dies for the cause. Byron didn't need to go to fight for Greek independence but he did so and died (actually of cholera not in battle), Martin Luther King was shot, Gandhi likewise. These people and their tragic ends projected the movements. But Woke nothing. A movement is born when enough people decide to live in a radically different way and are prepared to go to the bitter end if necessary. But what is the way of life that you, or 'we', want to inaugurate?

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Sebastian this is not about what I want to inaugurate this is about what is needed. Whether you like it or not Democracy and the old way of politics is too slow and inefficient to continue into the future. We don’t have to destroy it because I am sure you have noticed as have I that it is destroying itself. It is fragmenting and breaking up into some sort of political spectrum. We all know how wonderful the gender spectrum is working out for the Woke.

On my Substack I have pondered exactly what you have pondered about the Woke Movement and how they are all separate movements. There only should be one movement, one cause and one heart of the people and it culture. However that is not the case with the Woke. It is headless and heartless. It also has managed to override the Bureaucratic BS that holds Democracy in a stagnant mire and can put policies in place that go against human rights rationality to give experimental drugs and surgery to minors without any repercussions.

My thoughts is if we had the same ability like the Woke to cut through all the Bureaucratic BS and do good with it instead of harm. Just imagine overriding centuries of layer upon layer of BBS to tackle the housing crisis or the mass immigration problem.

You could call Woke a political movement but it is more of any smaller movements somehow working together (or Woking together, lol) but a part system. There is order in their chaotic foundationless system. It appears communistic but I think that Woke just eats itself like Ouroboros and becoming, unintentionally communistic. There is no replenishment, or growth just consumption. To me that is communism in a nut shell.

I call Woke Murmuration Politics and I have written about it on my Substack.


I believe what has come out of the push back against Woke, New Media, is New Politics and is taking on very much the attributes of Murmuration Politics. Not the eating itself. Starlings mainly do murmurations for protection and I think what New Media is doing is tying to protect free speech and Western values. That is what is driving the formation of the New Media political movement. We want to start thinking for ourselves but still work together. Woke doesn’t want to think, it doesn’t want responsibility, it just wants to consume.

New Media platforms push back movements which is the key to are future Politics without politicians.

The Chartist movement was the first mass movement driven by the working classes. It grew following the failure of the 1832 Reform Act to extend the vote beyond those owning property. The moment aristocracy changed to Democracy political movements were born. Immediately Democracy has carved a path for us to our future Politics. Democracy is just the vehicle in which to travel this path not the destination. We need to let go of Democracy, because we have now arrived at that destination.

I write a bit about how political leaders should become just a face and a head or a leader. Very much like the way The Queen or King of England has become. Aristocracy has not been replaced just side lined. The same can be done with Democracy.


I know you feel Democracy is fairly new in comparison to other ancient forms of leadership and control over people. However, Morden times is moving a lot faster than it did 200 hundred years ago. We can’t keep expecting things to move at a similar pace as it did in the past. We need a politics that is strong, sturdy but still flexible and fast. And we need to start talking about it more.

Thank you so much for your interest relevant opinions, criticism and knowledge.

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